My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 1 Episode 9 - Bridle Gossip
If you don't know that person yet, don't be prejudicial and get to know that person better. In other words, "Don't judge a book by its cover." You don't know what is going on in that person's life, first of all meet that person, and if you don't really like their physical features, start to love their attitude. For true friends love what is inside a person, their attitude, heart and personality, not their looks.
The ninth episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Bridle Gossip'.
Twilight Sparkle and all her friends encounter a strange Zebra in Ponyville by the name of Zecora. All the ponies see her as an evil enchantress and hide from her until Apple Bloom wants to show them that she is brave and will uncover the mystery of Zecora while Twilight is still skeptical and doesn't believe in curses or the supernatural.
As they wander to the Everfree Forest where Zecora lives to bring back Apple Bloom, the ponies come head to head with a surprise the next morning. Blaming the so-called enchantress Zecora for cursing them, the ponies head out to find her and solve the mystery.
The title of the episode seems to be a spin-off from the phrase 'idle gossip'.
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Together, Twilight Sparkle and Spike arrive in Ponyville to find it deserted and eerily quiet. The both of them wonder why Ponyville's town square seems almost abandoned wherein Spike becomes frightened from his imagination that zombies are on the lose. After the duo speculates for a bit, they suddenly hear Pinkie Pie trying to catch their attention. Frantically calling Twilight and Spike to go inside Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie tells them to get inside before "she" gets them. When they get inside, they find their friends Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Applejack's little sister Apple Bloom. All of them, except for Apple Bloom are hiding in fright from the"odd-looking pony" named Zecora since no pony knows why she comes to visit Ponyville every month. All the other ponies know is that Zecora comes from Everfree Forest. Twilight Sparkle then explains to her friends that her gray and white mane is her natural color and not a "bad taste in fashion" as Rarity calls it. Twilight also shares that Zecora is also called a zebra and that her kind comes from a "far away land." Pinkie Pie then shares a song she made just for Zecora called "Evil Enchantress" which is what all the ponies think she is, except for Twilight of course.
All the ponies then discuss things about Zecora like how she is mysterious, strange and an evil enchantress while Apple Bloom decides she will get to the bottom of the mystery and approach Zecora herself. She then quietly escapes the bakery and follows Zecora to the Everfree Forest. When the ponies notice that Apple Bloom is no where to be found, they realize that she must have followed Zecora so the group goes out to find Apple Bloom. The ponies catch up to Apple Bloom as she is spotted right behind Zecora who is surrounded by many blue flowers. As Applejack calls out for Apple Bloom and their friends follow her lead, Zecora warns them about the blue flowers by saying, "Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!" Applejack scoops up Apple Bloom off the ground and onto her back while the other ponies, except for Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle ignore what Zecora warned in order to taunt her, blaming her for casting spells. They all then head home through the blue flowers while Twilight tries her hardest to tell her friends the difference between normal magic and what the others would call, Zecora's curses. As Twilight tells them that "curses" are just harmful and fictional "pony tales", Applejack warns Twilight that some "pony tales" are indeed true.
That night, Twilight Sparkle has a nightmare where her friends warn her of evil and even Zecora was a part of her dream which startled her making her wake up. As she remembers what her friends told her about the mysterious zebra, Twilight starts to brush her hair which leads her to realize that her horn has turned limp, wobbly and covered in blue spots. Twilight then frantically searches through her books to find a cure. Spike asks Twilight if the book he found, entitled Supernaturals would be of any help. Twilight then tells him to disregard that certain book and not even open it because it only displays details of superstitious beliefs and other information that would be completely useless. Meanwhile, the rest of Twilight's friends arrive one at a time at the library with ailments of their own. Pinkie Pie's tongue is now covered in blue spots and is so swollen that her tongue hangs out of her mouth and she can't be understood and spits when she talks. Rainbow Dash got her wings inverted and instead of being on her back sides, they were somehow moved to her lower sides making her crash all over the place and preventing her from flying correctly. Rarity's mane, tail and coat had grown out so long that she couldn't walk or see properly, she looked like a walking mop or the Komondor Dog Breed. Applejack on the other hand has shrunken down to a tiny size where she had to ride on Apple Bloom's back to get to the library. Fluttershy was to ashamed to speak at first but eventually revealed to her friends that she had gained a deep man-voice that was voice by voice artist and actor Blu Mankuma. Seeing the state of the ponies, Spike laughs until he's rolling on the floor and giving each pony a silly name to each of their ailments.
The nicknames Spike gives them are:
All the ponies except for Twilight Sparkle conclude that they were "hexed" or "cursed" by the mysterious Zecora and plan to confront Zecora. Apple Bloom thinks that it is her fault for her friend's ailments and goes ahead and looks for Zecora first. Applejack notices that Apple Bloom started to venture on her own and hops into her tail. As soon as the others notice that Applejack disappeared they frantically search their hooves and behind just in case someone has stepped or sat on her. After they notice that Apple Bloom is gone, they realize that the sisters have gone out in search of Zecora. All the ponies then adventure out of the library to search for the cure to their ailments. Fluttershy asks Spike if he would come along too, but he rejects the offer with an alibi that he will look for a cure but truthfully will search for a better nickname for Twilight Sparkle.
On Apple Bloom's way into Everfree Forest, Applejack reveals herself to her little sister and orders her to stop adventuring into the forest. Slyly realizing she is bigger than her older sister, Apple Bloom tells Applejack that she doesn't have to listen to her since she is technically the big sister now. Apple Bloom then puts Applejack on a branch. A little later after, Rainbow Dash crashes into the tree where Applejack was placed, catching her in her mouth. Applejack swiftly makes reins out of twigs and leaves, fixes it on Rainbow Dash and jumps on her chest to lead her properly through the forest.
When the ponies reach Zecora's home, they see her talking in a language they don't understand and brewing up a concoction. Pinkie Pie gets Fluttershy to sing her "Evil Enchantress" song since she is unable to do it with her swollen tongue. After Twilight Sparkle sees Zecora in her home doing her what seems to be, "enchantments", Twilight starts to wonder if Zecora really is bad after all. When the ponies overhear Zecora mentioning something about Apple Bloom, they immediately conclude that Zecora is making a stew with Apple Bloom as the main ingredient. After that the four of them scream and Rainbow Dash and Applejack barge into Zecora's home while Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie follow their lead and try to sabotage Zecora's concoction by tipping the cauldron over and spilling its contents. Rainbow Dash continues to add more damage to the hut as she flies and crashes everywhere while the other ponies confront Zecora about the "curse" she has put on them. Apple Bloom then appears from behind carrying saddle bags full of ingredients that Zecora was looking for. The two of them then explain to the ponies what Zecora was making and the reason for all their ailments. I happened to be that Zecora was making a home-made remedy for the ailments they received from the poison joke that they had encountered the day before. Poison joke gives you "humorous" symptoms to anypony who touches it, Zecora was warning the ponies, but they were all too hard-headed to listen to her. Twilight Sparkle is curious to where Zecora found a cure when she herself couldn't find any in all her books. Zecora showed her the
book she used which was entitled "Supernaturals" which just meant "natural remedies and cure-alls that are simply super" and the same book the Twilight didn't even bother opening earlier. Twilight then asked is Zecora could make another batch of the remedy. Zecora would be happy to help them out but she is lacking an ingredient which she needs at Ponyville but for some reason all the shops are closed when she visits town.
All the ponies then escort Zecora to Ponyville to get the missing ingredient although the other ponies in Ponyville are still afraid of Zecora. Twilight Sparkle talks to them and the scene cuts to where Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom and Zecora are all hanging out together at the spa, soaking in Zecora's remedy bath. Twilight's friendship report voices over as she talks about how true friendship doesn't judge and to "never judge a book by its cover." A spa pony asks Zecora for the recipe to her "luxurious bath" while the other ponies become cured from their poison joke ailments after a short episode of panic from the ponies as they worried about sitting or stepping on Applejack.



The nicknames Spike gives them are:
- Rarity - "Hairity"
- Rainbow Dash - "Rainbow Crash"
- Pinkie Pie - "Spitty Pie"
- Applejack - "Apple Teeny"
- Fluttershy - "Flutterguy"
All the ponies except for Twilight Sparkle conclude that they were "hexed" or "cursed" by the mysterious Zecora and plan to confront Zecora. Apple Bloom thinks that it is her fault for her friend's ailments and goes ahead and looks for Zecora first. Applejack notices that Apple Bloom started to venture on her own and hops into her tail. As soon as the others notice that Applejack disappeared they frantically search their hooves and behind just in case someone has stepped or sat on her. After they notice that Apple Bloom is gone, they realize that the sisters have gone out in search of Zecora. All the ponies then adventure out of the library to search for the cure to their ailments. Fluttershy asks Spike if he would come along too, but he rejects the offer with an alibi that he will look for a cure but truthfully will search for a better nickname for Twilight Sparkle.


All the ponies then escort Zecora to Ponyville to get the missing ingredient although the other ponies in Ponyville are still afraid of Zecora. Twilight Sparkle talks to them and the scene cuts to where Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom and Zecora are all hanging out together at the spa, soaking in Zecora's remedy bath. Twilight's friendship report voices over as she talks about how true friendship doesn't judge and to "never judge a book by its cover." A spa pony asks Zecora for the recipe to her "luxurious bath" while the other ponies become cured from their poison joke ailments after a short episode of panic from the ponies as they worried about sitting or stepping on Applejack.

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