My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 1 Episode 7 - Dragonshy
Never lose faith in your friends even if they may seem weak, sometimes they can be the reason for your strength which will help overcome your fears. Also, even though someone may be bigger than you, or you may be bigger than others, that doesn't mean you get to be a bully, show everyone even a little bit of kindness always.
The seventh episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Dragonshy'.
A sleeping dragon is asleep in the mountains of Equestria and the smoke from the dragon's snoring clouds the skies of Equestria. If not stopped, the smoke will cover all of Equestria for a hundred years. The mane 6 ponies are out on a mission from Princess Celestia to make the dragon leave and take a nap somewhere else. The title of the episode is a portmanteau of dragon and Fluttershy.
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Fluttershy is doing her daily tending and caring of little animals around her house when she notices the rabbit,
Angel munching on a carrot quickly.
Fluttershy then walks over to Angel to tell him to eat slower or else he will get a tummy ache. Upset, Angel drops the carrot and runs away,
Fluttershy catches up to him and gives him back his carrot and tells him to eat more. Not moved by Fluttershy's efforts to get him to eat more, he kicks the carrot away and runs off again. Although right away something isn't right when Angel starts to cough.
Fluttershy kept guessing incorrectly what was wrong with Angel so he pointed to the sky to she her the smoke. Thinking the smoke was from a fire, Fluttershy rushes to
Ponyville to warn everypony. Due to her tiny voice and lack of confidence,
Fluttershy is ignored while
Rainbow Dash keeps playing with a ball to break a record,
Pinkie Pie keeps thinking of ways to celebrate Rainbow's record, and all the other ponies keep making small talk with each other. The only one to grab all the ponies' attention is
Twilight Sparkle where she then warns everypony about the smoke.

After the
mane six all gather at the
Golden Oak Library,
Twilight Sparkle tells all of them the information that
Princess Celestia gave Twilight. The smoke that everypony saw hovering over
Ponyville wasn't just any normal smoke from a fire, but from a dragon itself. Prnicess Celestia warms all of them that if the smoke and dragon isn't dealt with immediately, all of
Equestria will be covered in smoke for a hundred years. Twilight and her friends then go prepare for the journey.
A short montage that is similar to 70's and 80's action films then happens featuring
Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and
Fluttershy as they prepare for their journey.
Rainbow Dash is seen painting rainbow stripes on her cheek,
Applejack packs money and apples,
Pinkie Pie is shown having balloons explode out of her bag as she says "I mean GRRRR", Rarity puts on a khaki military helmet on then changes it to a khaki hat, and
Fluttershy comes out of her house wearing a whole hockey uniform then is frightened when the door shuts. As the friends all rendezvous to the bottom of the mountain where the dragon sleeps,
Fluttershy tries hard to talk to Twilight in order to avoid going along with the mission where Rainbow actually agrees with leaving
Fluttershy behind. Twilight, however states that
Fluttershy's skills in being able to interact with wild animals may be useful on the journey.
Spike is then left to tend Fluttershy's animals.

Throughout the whole journey,
Rainbow Dash kept reminding how unsure she was for bringing
Fluttershy along. Rainbow's skepticism becomes justified when the dragon snores and Fluttershy's wings lock up making her unable to fly, the dragon then snores again making her fall to her side like a goat.
Applejack is then forced to drag
Fluttershy another way around the mountain than climbing up the side with the others. When they all group together, they have to jump from one cliff edge to another and
Fluttershy has troubles so
Pinkie Pie to the rescue sings the "
Hop Skip and Jump Song" to encourage Fluttershy to jump. After that, they walked through an avalanche-prone area where one little sound could cause an avalanche. When a fallen leaf falls on
Fluttershy's back, she screams "Avalanche!" causing a real avalanche.
Applejack helps keeps everyone safe and they climb over the mountain of fallen rock and dirt.

Eventually they reach their destination to the top of the mountain where the dragon has been taking a nap. Twilight has everything planned and then tells
Fluttershy to go inside the cave with her to confront the dragon together. Although no matter how much encouraging and pushes from her friends,
Fluttershy tells all of them that she just can't since she's afraid of big, grown-up dragons. Everyone decides to finigh their mission without her.
Twilight Sparkle ventures inside the cave alone to talk to the dragon but her efforts meant nothing to the dragon as he ignored her.
Rarity then struts inside the cave to charm the dragon into leaving but then fails when her true intention of getting some jewels for herself is known. Next,
Pinkie Pie goes inside to try to make the dragon laugh as she wore flippers, giant glasses, balloons, and a party popper but is immediately blown away with no success.
Rainbow Dash then attempts to confront the dragon with her strength and force by kicking the dragon's nose. In the end, all she was able to do was make the dragon angry and get up to attack them, making them all dizzy and destroying
Fluttershy's hiding spot.

When Fluttershy saw what happened to her friends, her courage builds up to reprimand the dragon for what he did to them. She scolds the dragon for bullying her friends but the dragon tries to explain that Rainbow kicked him.
Fluttershy apologized to the dragon for what Rainbow did to him, but then explains that he is bigger than a pony and he should be more considerate. She also admonishes the dragon for sleeping in a place where he could harm the health of other creatures. The dragon's attempts to argue back continuously fail due to
Fluttershy's tone and in the end all he could do was cry. After giving the dragon a lecture, she then calms the crying dragon down and tells him to pack his things and sleep somewhere else. The dragon then flies away.
Everypony is back at
Ponyville to
Spike's relief as he was having a hard time with Angel.
Twilight Sparkle then relays a
friendship report to Princess Celestia and tells her that Equestria is safe from the dragon's smoke. Outside the library, all of Twilight's friends gather around
Rainbow Dash as she attempts to break her ball-bouncing record once again.
Applejack calls Twilight over and just as Rainbow was about to break a record,
Pinkie Pie pulls a prank on her by imitating the dragon roar scaring Rainbow and messing up her ball-bouncing failing to reach the record again.
Fluttershy laughs and says that maybe not every pony is as brave as her until a leaf falls on to her back again making her freeze up too.
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