"... junior speedsters it's our quest to someday be the very best!" -Rainbow Dash and Gilda's chant.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 1 Episode 5 - Griffon the Brush Off
Throughout the years, both you and your friends make more friends and although it may be difficult to spend time with a friend you like and their friend who is not very nice, we can't control who our friends hangout with, but we can control how we treat them with out attitude. It is our job as a friend to just be a good friend in deed no matter who you or our friend spends time with and not try to influence who they spend time with. In the end, the face of a true friend will be revealed.
The fifth episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Griffon the Brush Off'.
The fifth episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Griffon the Brush Off'.
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash bond with each other by pulling pranks on other ponies. Their fun is disrupted when Gilda the Griffon, Rainbow Dash's old friend, shows up and pushes Pinkie away making her feel left out. The title of this episode is a play of words off the quotation of "given the brush-off' which mean a rude and tough dismissal.
In the beginning of the episode Pinkie Pie enthusiastically shares stories of Rainbow Dash and her aerial moves. When she spots Rainbow, she quickly catches up to her although Rainbow Dash tries to escape her. Eventually they get to talk and start to bond.
When Gilda the Griffon appears, the ponies soon find out if she is really cool or just plain mean.
First prank Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash did together was on Spike as he was in the town square pavilion, Pinkie made Rainbow Dash position a thundercloud in a certain place. On Pinkie Pie's cue when Spike came out, Rainbow Dash kicked the cloud making it thunder and scaring Spike into the hiccups. Continuous hiccups make Spike breathe fire and accidentally sending scrolls to a shocked Princess Celestia. After making sure that Spike was okay, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash looked for more 'victims of their pranks. They ended up using watercolors on some of the apples on Applejack's apple trees, switching normal pen ink with disappearing ink on Twilight Sparkle's ink, and giving Rarity a fabulous sneeze with sneezing powder.
As Rainbow Dash was about to pull a prank on Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie immediately stopped her saying that Fluttershy is too sensitive for a prank and it would hurt her feelings. Instead, the duo finished their day of pranking by pranking each other as Pinkie Pie had placed ink on the telescope Rainbow Dash was looking through, leaving a mark around her eye.


Pinkie Pie then goes to Twilight Sparkle to get advice about Gilda and her attitude but then both Twilight and Spike assure her that it is just 'green envy' and jealousy towards Gilda and that maybe Pinkie is the one who needs an attitude change. Upset that the two didn't support her side, Pinkie walks away and gets a milkshake by herself at Sugarcube Corner and thinks that maybe what Twilight said is true.
Gilda's True Colors

The way that Pinkie Pie fixes the situation with Gilda is by throwing her a big 'welcome to Ponyville' party at Sugarcube Corner. Just as the party starts, Gilda is welcomed by a buzzing handshake by Pinkie Pie. Gilda then pulls Pinkie Pie behind the cake and warns her that she has her eyes on her. Pinkie, innocent as ever just ignores the warning and continues to have fun at the party. During the party, Gilda falls for prank after prank where she steadily holds in her irritation towards everypony, even Rainbow Dash.
Gilda blames all the pranks on Pinkie Pie and during "Pin the Tail on the Pony" doesn't believe in Pinkie's direction to where 'the pony' was and heads the other way allowing her to slip on a piece of cake and pinning the tail 'on the wrong end'.
Losing her built up temper, Gilda calls all the attendees of the party a bunch of "dweebs" and Pinkie Pie a "Queen Lame-o" for being the one to set up all the pranks. Attempting to take Rainbow Dash along with her to and bail out if the party, Rainbow Dash doesn't move as she finds out about her old friend's true colors. Dash then reveals the truth that she was the one to set up all the pranks which were not all meant for her but it was just 'dumb luck' that Gilda was the one to do so. Gilda assumed Pinkie made the party to get back at her, but then Pinkie explains that she held the party to improve on Gilda's sour attitude and "turn her frown, upside-down."
Rainbow Dash, disappoint in her old friend's attitude tell Gilda to find some "new cool friends someplace else" if being cool is all she cares about. Without an apology, Gilda calls Rainbow Dash a 'flip-flop' and goes away in a fury slamming the door behind her. Rainbow Dash then apologizes to the party attendees for Gilda's attitude and both her and Pinkie Pie both make-up by joy buzzer handshaking each other.
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