My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 1 Episode 11 - Winter Wrap Up
You will always belong somewhere. If you don't feel like you do yet, that just means you need a little more patience and diligence for you to find your hidden talent. Every single one of us carries a hidden talent and sometimes we just need to find the situation that arises in order for it to blossom. Also, with teamwork, any job will be more fun and will get done quicker, more efficiently and more effectively.
The eleventh episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Winter Wrap Up'.
The episodes introduces
Twilight Sparkle as she excitedly wakes up in
Golden Oak Library ready for a special day wherein everypony works together in the '
Winter Wrap Up' event that ends Winter in order to welcome Spring.
Spike is annoyed by his disturbance in his sleep but
Twilight continues to share to him the
Ponyville tradition of not using magic since Ponyville was founded by
Earth ponies. As the event is a 'literal' cleaning up of Winter,
Twilight Sparkle checks off everything on her list and gets ready to head out without realizing that it is still dawn.
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In the morning, Twilight Sparkle along with a sleepy Spike on her back head to the center of Ponyville where Mayor Mare is making a speech and ends with the introduction of the different 'spring-cleaning' teams which are the Animals, Weather, and Plants with colored vests of Tan, Blue and Green respectively. The vests were designed by Rarity and Twilight frantically tries to figure out which team she would belong to during the whole event but she gets confused and sings the "Winter Wrap Up Song."
Wanting to help, Twilight Sparkle catches up with Rainbow Dash and asks if she could help out her and the Weather Team but then is softly reminded by Rainbow that she doesn't have wings like the other Pegasus ponies.
Afterwards, she ambles over to Rarity where she is found near Carousel Boutique doing her job as official nest designer since she is part of the Animal team. Rarity explains so Twilight that she is making nests for the birds from the south so that when they come back to Ponyville, they have a home to come to. Twilight Sparkle asks Rarity if she could try a go at it but the nest she makes turns into a disaster so she slumps away to find something else to help out with while Rarity attempts to fix her nest.
Twilight and Spike then run into Pinkie Pie who is a part of the Weather Team as well. Pinkie was in charge of scoring the lakes in order for the ice chunks to melt quicker when the other Weather Team pegasi are finished clearing the clouds. Pinkie Pie expresses that she has been an expert skater ever since she was young and prompted Twilight Sparkle to give a try as well. Twilight tried, but didn't know how to balance since it was her first time skating resulting in her and Pinkie Pie crashing into a snow bank after in which Pinkie suggest Twilight to help the Animal Team and the critters.

Finding Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle and Spike approach her waking up the critters from their hibernation homes. Twilight starts to help Fluttershy with what seemed an easy job until she awakens a den of snakes which frightens her causing her to back into a cave of bats, causing her to run into a tree where a bee hive falls on her head and lastly causing her to dash into a skunk den and getting sprayed. The next scene shows Twilight Sparkle getting a tomato bath by Spike while he tries to push his suggestion to her of using magic. In the end, Twilight still refuses because she will absolutely follow the Ponyville tradition of using no magic at all during the "Winter Wrap Up."
Her promise wavers though when she finds the Plant Team along with Applejack as they plow the snow from the fields in order to plant crops. Twilight Sparkle expresses her desire to help and even though Applejack hesitates, she allows Twilight to grab a one-pony plow. Sadly, Twilight wasn't strong enought to push the plow with her own strength so she summons a "come-to-life" spell which quickly gets out of control. Resulting in a even greater mess than when they started, Applejacks scolds Twilight Sparkle as she runs away in tears.
With Twilight Sparkle feeling like she has run out of options, she hides in a bush in the Town Square until she overhears that everypony in Ponyville aren't faring too well with the Winter clean-up as well. Applejack and Fluttershy get in an argument as they both tell Rainbow Dash and her flight team to do two different things and she gets confused whether to speed up the melt or let it stay as is. Rarity is also in a bind as she has still done only one out of the needed hundreds of nests she needs to do because she was preoccupied in fixing Twilight's disaster of a nest. Rainbowshine tells Rainbow Dash about the bird situation as she shares that Ditzy Doo has flown north rather than south. Also Big McIntosh brings over Caramel to Applejack wherein she already guesses that he has lost the grass seeds, again. Mayor Mare then comes along to express her frustration with everypony as she reminds them of their past failures through the years wherein Spring was late consecutively and she realizes that her motivational speech from early morning wasn't effective towards the performance of everypony while it is almost sunset. Twilight Sparkle then realizes that she does have another talent other than just magic and she jumps out of the bush for everypony to hear that she has the talent of 'organizing' and she breaks up all the fights to help designate every pony to each station in order to finish the clean-up task.

Due to careful planning and teamwork, everypony gathered together and worked throughout the night in order to finish the tasks at hand. Along with an instrumental version of the Winter Wrap Up Tune, a montage of the successful clean-up drive is shown. With thanks to Twilight Sparkle's extraordinary organizing skills, Mayor Mare designated the title of "All-Team Organizer" to Twilight along with a newly designed vest designed by Rarity that has all three colors of all three teams incorporated into one vest. Mayor Mare then announces to the whole Ponyville team that Winter has been wrapped up just on time and everyone then celebrates. The scene ends as everypony giggle to Spike's soon-to-be unfortunate predicament as he continues sleeping on an ice floe.
Twilight Sparkle then sends her friendship report to Princess Celestia with the theme of teamwork and friendship gets work done and that every body has hidden talents as long as they have the diligence and patience to find them. Before she could finish her report though, a sickly Spike falls asleep and Twilight giggles it off.
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Yo can't have sexshwoll relationship with animal because yo will die and if yo are dust