"Boy howdy! I got my work cut out for me. That there is the biggest bumper crop of apples I ever laid eyes on." - Applejack
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 1 Episode 4 - Applebuck Season
A true friend is always there to help in anyway at anytime, but it's not just about giving what you have to offer, but also accepting what your friends have to offer as well. It's always great to help, but never let pride get in the way since it's just as great to get help.
The fourth episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Applebuck Season'.
The fourth episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Applebuck Season'.
Applejack vows to tackle the whole harvest of Sweet Apple Acres all by herself during Applebuck Season since her brother, Big McIntosh is injured. Applejack soon finds out how difficult it is to handle along with trying to help her friends out at the same time.
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Most Dependable Pony of Ponyville

Rainbow Dash and the Catapult

Pinkie Pie with the "Baked Bads"
Later that day, Applejack went to Sugarcube Corner to help out Pinkie Pie bake some muffins while Mr. and Mrs. Cake were out. Applejack's fatigue got the best of her as she couldn't hear clearly turning chocolates chips into potato chip, baking soda into regular soda, a cup of lour into a cup of sour lemon juice, and wheat germ into earthworms. When the muffins are baked, Pinkie Pie exclaims free muffins to everypony where Derpy, Sea Swirl and Minuette are also one in front line.

Bunny Herding
As her last task of offering help to her friends, Applejack meets up with Fluttershy to help out gather the baby rabbits for Fluttershy's bunny census. She warns Applejack that the bunnies are very shy and timid and to be careful and calm with them during herding, but Applejack's rowdy attitude and Winona's loud barking scares the bunnies. Cornered, the bunnies freak out and stampede towards Ponyville eating the town's crops and gardens and giving Fluttershy an even harder time with the census. Twilight finds out and can't take anymore of Applejack's stubbornness so she confronts her once and for all.
After all her failed attempts and giving more problems to her friends than solving, Applejack is confronted by Twilight Sparkle to offer more help which she agrees to after she gains consciousness from passing out when Big McIntosh showed her that only half of Sweet Apple Acres were harvested. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie then all work together to finish harvesting making them finish faster. During a break, Applejack gives her friends some Apple Juice and apologizes to all of them for the trouble she made and thanked them for their help. Twilight gave a friendship report that is it just as okay to receive help from friends as it is to give help. Then Spike offers them a worm-filled muffin he found in the garbage and the episode ends.
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