My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 1 Episode 1 & 2 (Part 1 & 2) - Friendship is Magic
In your everyday life, never forget the importance of Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty, Kindness, and Friendship as together it gives magic to world and everyone around you!
The first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Part 1 is entitled 'Mare in the Moon' while Part 2 or episode 2 is entitled 'Elements of Harmony'.
In Part 1, Twilight Sparkle, originally a student from Canterlot, is sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration and to make friends although she would rather study more about the prophecy on Nightmare Moon. There she meets Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy.
In Part 2, Nightmare Moon has returned from her millennium slumber to leave all of Equestria in darkness forever. Twilight Sparkle and her new friends find the power of the Elements of Harmony which are hidden in the royal sister's ancient castle making them have to venture into the Everfree Forest.
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The Element of Honesty:

As the ponies venture into Everfree Forest, a cloud of purple smoke triggers a landslide on the mountain-side they were walking along. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash catches Pinkie Pie and Rarity while Applejack catches a root during the slide. Applejack then goes to Twilight Sparkle's rescue as she reassures her that she will be alright when she lets go. Twilight Sparkle then believes Applejack and lets go while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy then catch her.
"What I'm telling you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe."
— Applejack
The Element of Kindness:
As the ponies continue their journey, an enraged manticore faces them. All the ponies try to attack it with full force while Fluttershy tries to tell them to stop. When they heard Fluttershy's cry, the ponies stopped as she approached the manticore and pulled out a thorn from its paw which then vanished into a cloud of purple smoke.
"Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness."
— Fluttershy
The Element of Laughter:
When the trees in the Everfree Forest are converted to scary faces due to the cloud of smoke once again, the ponies become frightened towards the monstrous faces except for Pinkie Pie as she starts laughing. She then sings the 'Laughter Song' to show her friends how to face their fear by laughter.
"You'll see that they can't hurt you; just laugh to make them disappear!"
— Pinkie Pie
The Element of Generosity:

The ponies arrive at a river that they need to cross, but is blocked by a sea serpent who is depressed since a "tacky little cloud of purple smoke" came by and whisked one side of his fabulous mustache away. Rarity went up and helped the sea serpent and his dilemma by cutting off her own tail and handing it to the sea serpent for a makeshift mustache. He then helps the ponies cross.
"I cannot have this crime against fabulosity go uncorrected!"
— Rarity
The Element of Loyalty:
As the ponies near the castle ruins, they are hindered by the broken bridge over a gorge. Rainbow Dash then flies over to the other side to tie the bridge back up so they could all cross but is stopped when three pegasi called the Shadowbolts flatter Rainbow Dash and ask her to be their team captain. She was tempted but when she found out she had to leave her friends behind to choose them Rainbow Dash declined and tied the bridge back up as the Shadowbolts vanished into purple smoke.
"I'd never leave my friends hanging."
— Rainbow Dash
The Element of Magic:

The ponies finally reached the castle ruins and found five orbs which Twilight Sparkle believed were the Elements of Harmony, although Midnight Moon teleported Twilight to another tower along with the orbs and broke them. Twilight's friends then arrived as she realized that the spirits of the Elements of Harmony resided inside of her and her friends. The shattered orbs then glowed and formed necklaces on the ponies and a crown on Twilight's head which matched their cutie marks as the power of magic and friendship defeated Midnight Moon.
"You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!"
— Twilight Sparkle
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna:

Princess Luna was then turned back to her normal self after the Elements of Harmony showered their power on her. Princess Celestia was also released from the dark powers and greeted all the ponies with her knowledge that she knew Midnight Moon was coming but believed in Twilight Sparkle and her power along with Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity to defeat her. Princess Luna then apologized to Princess Celestia and they all went home together.
Twilight Sparkle's New Mission:

After their adventure, all the ponies went back to Ponyville to celebrate the return of both princess' with a party! In the festivity, Twilight Sparkle was seen moping around as she didn't want to leave Ponyville and her new friends. Princess Celestia solved the problem by giving Twilight a new mission; to continue her studies on the Magic of Friendship and report frequently on her findings. With an end, Twilight promised to study harder than ever as all the ponies celebrated their friendship.
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