My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 1 Episode 10 - Swarm of the Century
When problems arise, always have an open mind to any solution or suggestion. You don't have to frantically rush to solve that problem, sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and ask your friends what are their opinions. Every now and then, the answer comes from on of the least expected sources and even in the beginning it may sound like a bunch of hooey, it may pay off to listen and take a chance.
The tenth episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Swarm of the Century'.
Fluttershy stumbles upon a new creature which are known as parasprites and as she introduces them to her friends, they become more of an infestation rather than a cute pet. The parasprites create chaos in Ponyville with the awful timing of the ponies preparations for the visit of Princess Celestia.
Originally this episode was supposed to be called 'Pied Piper Pinkie' but then was agreed to be changed during a later meeting. As a Star Trek "Trekkie", Lauren Faust noticed the similarities between this episode of the Parasprites and the Tribbles from Star Trek and admitted that they just "went with it: for the episode. Also, writer M. A. Larson had the Gremlins in mind during the writing of said episode.
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This episode starts out with Fluttershy as she is gathering flowers in a field near the Everfree Forest in order to help prepare for Princess Celestia's grand visit to Ponyville. Out of the blue, a small flying creature introduces itself to Fluttershy. Surprisingly, she has never seen the kind of creature before but still offers it an apple to eat but the creature ends up eating a bushel of apples despite it's small size. Charmed, yet surprised, Fluttershy adopts the little fella and is excited to share the creature with her friends.
Every pony in Ponyville is also preparing for Princess Celestia's arrival especially Twilight Sparkle who frantically tries to make everything picture perfect. Twilight then tells Spike that the Library has to be spotless while she heads out to check how all the other ponies are faring with the preparations. As she stops by Sugarcube Corner, she encounters a stressed out Mr. and Mrs. Cake who have been baking sweets for Princess Celestia, the problem is Pinkie Pie has been eating them all. Her excuse is that she is just sampling the sweets to make sure they are perfectly delicious for Princess Celestia. Fluttershy then enters Sugarcube Corner to show Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie the new creatures she found but amazingly three of them pop up rather than one. Twilight becomes dazzled with the cute creatures and adopts one so that Spike can have company while Pinkie on the other hand disgustingly reacts, calling the creatures "parasprites" and running off telling her friends she needs to find a trombone.
Twilight Sparkle heads over to Carousel Boutique to see how Rarity is doing with her preparations. When she arrives, she comments on what a beautiful job Rarity is doing on the dresses she is making for the royal visit while Rarity adds finishing touches on Rainbow Dash's sophisticated dress. Twilight, excited to show her friends the new parasprite she adopted takes it out with a surprise that she doesn't have one anymore, but three. Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash happily adopt the other two parasprites.
The next day, the ponies wake up to a surprise. Twilight Sparkle and Spike wake up to their library overrun with parasprites that uncontrollably destroy and devour books, scrolls and parchment. Also in Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash wakes up to irritation as her swarm of parasprites cling to her making her furious. At the Carousel Boutique, Rarity isn't bothered by the parasprites' numbers until she witnesses the way they reproduce which is by coughing up and vomiting up another parasprite. Even animal-lover Fluttershy was overwhelmed by the hoard of parasprites that was at her house. Twilight worries that Princess Celestia's visit to Ponyville will be a disaster if the parasprites keep up their destructive number without being dealt with. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie continues to gather up musical instruments like a banjo, harmonica and a pair of maracas. The other ponies think that Pinkie is just in one of her random moods and ignore her efforts to continue brainstorming themselves on what to do to solve their parasprite problem.

In an attempt to eliminate the parasprite problem, Applejack tries to round them all up and with the help of her friends, lead them to the Everfree Forest. It is successful, but when they return to Fluttershy's house, an outburst of parasprites come out while Fluttershy admits that she couldn't help herself and kept one parasprite. Rainbow Dash then tries to solve the problem as well as she creates a tornado that sucks up all the parasprites. It is successful at first until Pinkie Pie comes along bearing a pair of cymbals which then gets sucked up by Rainbow's tornado. Trying to dodge the cymbals, Rainbow Dash's concentration breaks and the tornado she made falls apart. Without her friends listening to her reasoning, Pinkie Pie then continues to seek out more musical instruments while the rest of the gang runs after the hoard of parasprites that head to Ponyville.
As the ponies watch in horror of the parasprites eating all the food in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle casts a desperate spell to suppress the parasprite's appetite for food. The backlash to her spell is the parasprites developed an appetite for everything that wasn't food like signs, lampposts, dresses, carts and even words from Twilight's books. In need of help, Twilight brings a parasprite to Zecora in the Everfree Forest where she automatically identifies it as a parasprite. Although the problem is Zecora herself doesn't know how to get rid of the parasprites. Twilight then returns to Ponyville frantically worried about what they are to do for Princess Celestia's arrival. She even thinks up a plan to create a replica of Ponyville but then Princess Celestia's royal procession becomes visible on the horizon.
When everypony was about to give up all hope, Pinkie Pie comes along in a one pony band playing all the instruments she had gathered throughout the two days she was seen as being completely random. Twilight Sparkle and their friends suspect that Pinkie was just having another random spree until they see that all the parasprites are following her in a single-file line like a "Pinkie Pied Piper" all the way out of Ponyville.
As Twilight and her friends gather around at the outskirts of town to meet up with Princess Celestia, the Princess sees the comical parade of Pinkie Pie and the parasprites as a part of a parade in her honor. Although Princess Celestia shows up, she had to inform Twilight Sparkle that her visit to Ponyville will have to be postponed as she needed to tend to an infestation of "incredibiliy bothersome creatures" in Fillydelphia. Before she leaves though, Princess Celestia asks Twilight to give her a friendship report. Twilight Sparkle answers the Princess with the lesson that unlikely solutions to any problem can come from an unlikely source which is why listening to your friend's opinions and ideas to different perspectives is really important thing to do even if at first they don't make any sense at all. Princess Celestia then shares her comments on how proud she is of Twilight and her friends and takes off to Fillydelphia.
After Princess Celestia's departure all the pony friends gather around to apologize to Pinkie Pie for not listening to her in the first place. Twilight Sparkle tells her that she is a great friend even though her and the rest of the ponies may not always understand her and her brain. They thank Pinkie for saving Ponyville and the mane six turn around and walk together to Ponyville. The last scene is of Pinkie Pie playing a trombone to express their dismay to a battered Ponyville.

Twilight Sparkle heads over to Carousel Boutique to see how Rarity is doing with her preparations. When she arrives, she comments on what a beautiful job Rarity is doing on the dresses she is making for the royal visit while Rarity adds finishing touches on Rainbow Dash's sophisticated dress. Twilight, excited to show her friends the new parasprite she adopted takes it out with a surprise that she doesn't have one anymore, but three. Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash happily adopt the other two parasprites.



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