It is okay to be proud of your talents, especially if you use them to stand up for your friends. Just don't brag and lie to make yourself look better, the best thing you could ever do is just 'be yourself'.
The sixth episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is entitled 'Boast Busters'.
In this episode, while Twilight Sparkle practices her magic with Spike, a new unicorn visits Ponyville by the name of The Great and Powerful Trixie. Two unicorns by the name of Snips and Snails excitedly inform Twilight and Spike about the new unicorn and they all rush over to see. Some ponies are amazed but Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity are not convinced. Spike continues to persuade Twilight into showing Trixie real magic, but Twilight continues to disagree afraid she will be accused of bragging too. The title is a spin off the 'Ghostbusters' title and franchise.
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In Golden Oaks Library, Twilight Sparkle and Spike practice Twilight's magic ability. They are already at her 25th trick which was 'growing magic' where Twilight grew a mustache on Spike. Spike then wanted to use his classy mustache charm to impress Rarity but Twilight reversed her magic making Spike's new mustache disappear.

When they arrived, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were already there along with many other ponies. With glam, booms and sparks, the Great and Powerful Trixie introduced herself by numerous boasts about her achievements as the most wonderful unicorn in all Equestria.
Already annoyed by her attitude, the ponies are skeptic of Trixie. Twilight asks if it is wrong to be talented, but Applejack and Rarity explain that their is nothing wrong as long as you don't boast about it, which lowers Twilight's self-esteem of her and her magic although Spike continues to encourage Twilight to show everypony what real magic is made of. Rainbow Dash flies up to Trixie and asks her what makes her so special than the rest of them. With a proud smirk, Trixie explains the story of how she saved the town of Hoofington from an 'Ursa Major' by vanquishing it back to the Everfree Forest. Trixie notices them as 'neigh-sayers' and challenges them to show off their skills as well.
First Applejack is challenged to see if she can best Trexie. Applejack shows of her rodeo skills with her lasso tricks and lassoing an apple into her mouth. Sadly, she is bested by Trixie as she magically imitates the rope into a snack and hog-ties around Applejack's legs and making her fall over and sticking an apple in her mouth.
After witnessing Trixie embarrass Applejack, Rainbow Dash takes action by showing off her speed and agility by making holes in the clouds and perfectly going back through them to collect moisture and landing with a rainbow around her. Trixie fights back by making Rainbow Dash's rainbow go wild and turn into a twister, making her dizzy and then by making a thundercloud, Trixie finished by electrifying Dash.

Spike then returns to Twilight Sparkle where he tries again to convince her to show off her magic to stand up for her friends. Twilight says she can't take the risk of possibly losing her friends at the same time so Spike walks away frustrated.

After the incident, all the ponies cheer for Twilight as she saved them all. Twilight Sparkle then asks her friends is they don't mind her magic tricks. They dismiss Trixie's boasts and praise Twilight and her magic reassuring her that her magic is part of who she is and that they are proud of her and how they have such a powerful and talented unicorn as her as a friend. Twilight as grateful as ever then explains that the bear they encountered was an 'ursa minor' not an 'ursa major'. Still proud, Trixie declares that Twilight still doesn't posses the "amazing, show-stopping ability" as she does and runs off after a small cloud of puff appears. Rainbow Dash was going to go after her but Twilight stopped her saying that "Maybe someday she will learn her lesson".

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